Team Together Starter Pupil's Book

Код товару: 710063
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Огляд Team Together Starter Pupil's Book

Team Together, Learn Together, Succeed Together

  • 7-level course
  • Focused on developing 21st century skills
  • CLIL and Culture
  • Communicative language competence
  • Preparation for exams

Team Together develops language skills alongside 21st Century skills to help students thrive in today's world.

Pupils are challenged to communicate creatively in authentic contexts, think critically and work together to get results.

The series provides language learning through stories and activities alongside Assessment for Learning while GSE learning objectives provide a backbone for the syllabus.

How Team Together helps your pupils progress

Focus on developing 21st Century Skills

Fun and exciting teaching material prepares pupils to succeed both in the classroom and today's world. Carefully designed activities challenge pupils to communicate in authentic contexts, to be creative, to think critically and to collaborate with their classmates.

English Benchmark

Alignment to English Benchmark provides an independent measure of learner proficiency and formative information to support planning and next steps. As students learn with Team Together, teachers can use the English Benchmark tests to measure their progress. After students have taken their test, teachers are given recommendations of which lessons to teach next to focus on the areas that need improvement.

CLIL and Culture lessons

Engaging content with links to Science and other school subjects empower students to produce language in wider contexts and handle relevant topics with growing confidence. The Culture lessons and Culture videos provide pupils with real-world knowledge and understanding.

Grammar and vocabulary programme

Grammar is presented in context with guided practice and revision through the units. Vocabulary sets are recycled both within and between units and are supported with eye-catching visuals and fun activities. Vocabulary Booster books offer further practice in a fun and motivating way.

Reading and writing skills

Learners are given ample opportunity to develop and practise their reading and writing skills. Age-appropriate stories and a variety of text genres motivate pupils to read. Writing sections in every unit are carefully scaffolded and introduce pupils to a variety of different text types.

Communicative language competence

Pupils are encouraged to use natural English and practise their learning in authentic contexts through the English in Action section. This provides opportunities to explore and personalise new language.

Основні характеристики
ВиробникPearson Education
ЖанрПідручники і посібники

Основні характеристики

ВиробникPearson Education
ЖанрПідручники і посібники
Мова виданняАнглійська
Мова оригіналуАнглійська
Рік видання2019
Вікове обмеження6+
Тип паперуМалювання
Формат64х45 / 4
Розмір210 x 297 x 5 мм
Всі характеристики

Виробник залишає за собою право вносити зміни в комплектацію, технічне і програмне забезпечення товару без попереднього повідомлення. Магазин не несе відповідальність за зміни, внесені виробником.

Ціна на товар до моменту фактичної передачі товару покупцеві може бути змінена продавцем в односторонньому порядку в залежності від показників, які обумовлюють ціну товару (в т.ч. собівартість товару, витрати продавця, зміна курсу валют по відношенню до гривні і т. д.).

Team Together Starter Pupil's Book
Team Together Starter Pupil's Book
Код товару: 710063
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